Check in & Set up will be Friday, October 18, 2024 from 10am to 6pm and Saturday morning, October 19, 2024 from 7am to 9am. You will be provided with name tags for yourself and 2 assistants. A security check will be done at 9am on Saturday to ensure all tents are property weighted with at least 40lbs per tent leg.
***All vehicles must be off the grounds by 9am on Saturday and remain off of the show grounds for the entirety of show hours. NO Vehicles may be moved on or off of the show grounds during show hours. Click to review the 2024 Acceptance letter
The event is rain or shine. No event is cancelled due to weather; however, severe weather may pose safety concerns for participating members and the general public that may require modifications to the event. There are no refunds if such occurs.
Thank you for joining us! May your experience be profitable, inspiring & fun.
FUEL UP with a hot beverage & donuts on the back-porch Saturday AM (7:30 – 9:15am)
The 2024 show hours are Saturday, October 19 from 10am – 5pm and Sunday, October 20, 2024 from 10am – 4pm. There will be security onsite overnight. Artists must be present during show hours and there is no early break down! Please use the Musician & Artist side gate for access to the parking lot during the show.
Call or Text for Booth sitters. If texting, please include your name and booth number.
Joan Cannon 267-629-9958
Saturday evening, our after party will be held outside. We provide delicious food (vegetarian options will be available – please note in the comments or email for other dietary requests). Please BYOB to this outdoor fiesta. And bring your acoustic instruments, jokes, stories and smiles as we celebrate another successful show together. It costs nothing to hang out, but dinner is prepaid by RSVP.
Understand that by participating in this event you consented to, and authorize the use of any and all images of your work in promotional literature and/or other promotional endeavors by Tyler Park Center for the Arts, its officers, directors, and agents. Said images may be used for no payment in any fashion at the sole and exclusive discretion of Tyler Park Center for the Arts. Such uses may include, but are not limited to print advertisements, marketing materials, billboards, television and radio advertising, and interactive media including but not limited to web media, social media, and electronic media. This agreement will be in effect indefinitely.